Hotel Four Pillars , Goa , India

Hotel 4 Pillars assures of rendering a good accommodation. This property, which is one of the famous hotels in Goa accommodates a total of 21 rooms. The rooms are large and are equipped with good amenities like a television, a laundry service and an attached bathroom with the facility of hot/cold running water.

Hotel 4 Pillars renders equally good hotel facilities. A front desk is present in the property to help the patrons with their queries. Additionally, the hotel's room services are impeccable and great for siestas for tired travellers. 

Hotel Four PillarsRua de Ourém, Opp. Neugi Nagar, Portais, Altinho, Panjim, Goa 403001

For Enquiry and Booking Contact
GDS Hotels Private Limited
WZ 73 B1 Janakpuri,
Near Janakpuri East Metro Station
New Delhi-110058,India
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